Catalog of Sony Walkman models

Showing 40 to 60 of 222
Sony WM-EX808 cover

Sony WM-EX808

1993“Slim strong Walkman”
Magnesium-mixed high-strength aluminum alloy was first introduced to the Walkman series in order to maintain the strength of the body.
Sony WM-R2 cover
Recording Walkman with high sensitive stereo capacitance microphone.
Sony WM-WX88 cover
WM-WX88 has a waterproof wireless receiver
Sony WM-FX77 cover
Equipped with intelligent dual preset radio
Sony WM-50 cover
Walkman that parted from the conventional, hard-edged form for softer contours that fit comfortably in your hand. Released in AEP, E, and UK; in Canada and the US as WM-70.
Sony WM-22 cover
The WM-22 was the first Walkman model that was sold in the UK for under £30.
Sony WM-503 cover
Without the bulk of the headphone reeling device it could be made very thin, in fact it was the smallest model in the range of that year.
Sony WM-102 cover
The WM-102 was a "cassette case sized" model.
Sony WM-103 cover

Sony WM-103

1987“The Handsome Walkman”
SONY’s pursuit of small design has come to an end for now, and it is experimenting with more styling.
Sony WM-FX21 cover
Low cost all plastic unit
Sony WM-505 cover
Key to this models compactness is the use of a slim ni-cad battery in both the player and the headphones wireless receiver.
Sony WM-EX39 cover

Sony WM-EX39

Variable Mega Bass on the front
Sony WM-20 cover
Product developed based on creating a Walkman roughly the size of a cassette case.
Sony WM-FX413 cover
Related to the FX211 and FX21
Sony WM-SX77 cover
Rugged construction and excellent waterproof performance long lost outdoor series walkman
Sony WM-172 cover
The 1989 SONY wm-172 adopts a titanium color body with a sense of technology
Sony WM-F57 cover
FM Stereo/AM, Auto reverse in a compact, Casual package. It has a built-in speaker on the front of the machine. The pocket-size is like a portable speaker. You can enjoy your favorite music anywhere.