Catalog of Sony Walkman models

Showing 160 to 180 of 222
Sony WM-F15 cover
A small, lightweight Walkman with built-in FM/AM
Sony WM-WX808 cover
Deluxe wireless remote controller, and a sticky Walkman.
Sony WM-WE01 cover
One of the 20th anniversary models and the last wireless Walkman, a redesigned WE-01 with GROOVE. Both remote control and headphones are separate units, both wireless. It was introduced together with the D-E01 Discman, see the PDF press release.
Sony WM-F107 cover

Sony WM-F107

1986“Solar Walkman”
The famous "Solar Walkman" was indeed a technological marvel.
Sony WM-EX9 cover

Sony WM-EX9

1998“Color shifter”
Less than 2cm thick, Without remote, not all functionality can be used due to limited buttons on main unit.
Sony TPS-L2 cover

Sony TPS-L2

1979“Guys & Dolls”
The TPS-L2 was the first commercially available personal stereo cassette player.
Sony WM-GX90 cover
World radio & timing recording
Sony WM-EX651 cover

Sony WM-EX651

2004“Last JDM”
Final model produced for the Japanese domestic market (although in China), including the obligatory cradle. Jog dial like control wheel.
Sony WM-EX78 cover
Dual color version of the EX77.
Sony WM-504 cover
The clear cover reveals the entire graphical design of cassette tapes. This edition was lithographed by Andy Warhol.
Sony WM-100 cover
The first of new series of “cassette case sized”, without the battery in the main housing. For CND and US.
Sony WA-5000 cover
A 7-band radio cassette-corder, with built-in microphone. 4xAA caddy can also be found in the earlier D6 and later D6C.
Sony WM-DD22 cover

Sony WM-DD22

1993“Closing DD”
Last DD unit to be released, closing the cost-reduced DD1-DD10-DD11 line.
Sony WM-FX505 cover

Sony WM-FX505

1992“FX55 cousin”
The JDM version of the FX55, with AM Stereo!
Sony WM-AF79 cover

Sony WM-AF79

1989“Navy Seal F73”
Rugged outdoor Walkman, not in traditional Sports yellow. It is a WM-F73 in a protective casing.
Sony WM-600 cover
Novel remote control, and side A/B indicator
Sony WM-10 cover

Sony WM-10

1983“Super Walkman”
The Sony WM-10 cassette player was released in the market in 1983. Its tiny size represents a tour-de-force of early 1980’s engineering.
Sony WM-190 cover
Leak-proof headphones of the new generation walkman
Sony WM-150 cover
Looks elegant and sounds well. Full metal body.
Sony WA-55 cover
A 2-band radio cassette-corder, with built-in microphone. 4xAA caddy can also be found in the earlier D6 and later D6C.